Sunday, April 26, 2020

DIY all the things!!

Well Coronavirus and shelter-in-place continue but my stress levels have definitely gone down as our family has settled into our new normal. The kids are doing well going to Dawnelle's house Tues, Wed, and Thur, my telehealth PT sessions are going ok and the kids on my caseload are making progress. I still miss some things (especially family dinners and visits from my family) but I'm not feeling that anxious any more thank goodness. Grocery shopping is a huge pain because of all the precautions I take but even that has started to feel a little more routine now that I've done it that way several times. And I am starting to appreciate the good things that are coming of this, namely more family time in the evenings (thanks to no commute time for Eric or I and no other activities outside the home) and also the financial benefits (cheaper childcare, almost no money for gas, less eating out, the stimulus check- which has yet to arrive but I think it will eventually). 

Being around the house more has also motivated me to tackle more and more DIY projects! I finished the coffee table and the piano and I love how both turned out! 

So, so, so much better than the original! 

I also made some hymn art for above the piano that was super quick and easy and I love how that turned out too. I still have to reupholster the bench but the fabric and the foam finally came so I will probably do that in the next couple of days. The biggest home remodel project that we did recently was that Eric and I (mostly Eric) installed the new faucets for our bathroom! Oh man, they look sooooo much better than before but that project was a time-consuming mess! I appreciate learning new things but this made me realize that of all the diy stuff I have tried, plumbing is definitely NOT my favorite. We ran into several problems and after HOURS of work and more than one trip to Home Depot (no small feat what with all the social distancing, masking, gloving, standing in line outside to wait to get in stuff!), Eric's sink still leaks. Hopefully with just a little more tinkering and maybe some plumber's putty we will get it fixed sooner rather than later! I am glad for all I learned though! Now I know how to change a faucet even if it is a huge pain to actually have to do it. Haha. Oh another DIY thing I took on yesterday was pruning our front yard. It was funny, I feel like my experience with my aerogarden was like a prep course for this day. I took those pruning shears and just went to work! It was actually surprisingly easy and satisfying and now everything looks much neater and the thorny ivy has (hopefully) been eradicated. 

So yeah, all my house projects and work are managing to keep me busy and bring some normalcy back to our life. I even had a pretty good birthday the other day in spite of everything. We got Cheesecake Factory to go, my sweet family sent me pictures of birthday signs they had made for me and Katie and Kendall spelled out Happy Birthday for me with their bodies haha. Also Eric made me an AMAZING cake. It was seriously soooo good and probably a big contributor to my growing girth. 

Anyway but yeah, that's about all that's going on here. We're just going to keep plugging along like this until the powers that be decide that it's ok for us to leave our homes again. I honestly have no idea how this is going to go down in TX and actually I have conflicting personal feelings about what is the right path forward. But thankfully it's not up to me and I can't control the actions of others and so we just wait and keep praying for all the healthcare workers, patients and families who are struggling right now. The only decision Eric and I have made so far is to keep doing what we're doing and keep the kids home from school until at least the end of May and then we will reassess. So we will see. But I am grateful for the good times we've had as we wait this out. I mean check out all this cuteness!: 

The bishop's wife (Misty) gave me a big bag of hand-me-downs for Levi and he and Emery both had so much fun trying them all on! Levi turned my closet into a dressing room and he would run back and forth between there and the living room modeling each new outfit for me! And Emery worked very hard to put the new clothes on herself! Haha it was so fun! 

She was very proud of herself for managing to get this shirt on by herself. 

Family walks on Sundays :)

Levi originally wanted to take this flower home but after I wouldn't carry it for him and he got tired of carrying it he told me to just take a picture of it instead. Haha smart boy! 

I can't hardly think of anything that makes my heart happier than scenes like this one :)

Miss Emmie Mae brings so much personality and sunshine to our home. Love that girl!!

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