Progression of the bites. From just a few small (but still VERY itchy) bites on my ankles and wrist to...
The appearance of tons of red dots which over the course of a few hours...
Swelled up and became intensely itchy!
Until today when the swelling has gone down but the number of bites still seems to be increasing and spreading on my legs and on my torso and the itching is still intense!
Anyway...rant about the bug bites over. This month so far, (other than the bugs), has been fine. Eric and I have gotten a lot of things done for our house. We got the new faucets installed in our bathroom and I am halfway through putting in our new light fixtures (the brackets have been mounted and the holes in the wall that were uncovered when I removed the old lights have been patched but still need to be textured and painted). Also, our new couch and chair and accent pillow for the living room came! Yay!! And Eric and I finished designing and ordered some 18x24 new Restoration Proclamations for us and the families we minister too. I've already cut and sanded the wood for those as well so I just have to stain and seal them and they will be ready to go! I am so grateful for our house and that it keeps me busy doing things I like.
Work is going well, my caseload is growing and my patients are improving. And the kids are settled into their routine of going to Dawnelle's house and seem to enjoy it there. Emery is also progressing a lot with her speech and uses a lot of two word phrases now (although she can still be pretty hard to understand). My favorite new thing she does is that she says our names when she wants to get our attention to say something! For example, the other day at dinner, Eric and I were talking to each other or to Levi or something and then Emery said loudly, "Mama! Da! Buba!" And pointed enthusiastically out the window at our nightly dinner guests- the bunnies in our yard :). And she has started calling for Levi sometimes when she wakes up in the morning. I hear her over the monitor going "EEE-III! EEE-II!" Haha. It's so precious and yet I always hurry up there to shush her before she actually wakes her brother up because she always wakes up before him and he is a total grouch if he gets up as early as she does!
So anyway, that's what's going on. I can't believe my little girl will be 2 years old in just 10 days!! My mind is totally blown by that! We ordered her a set of twin baby dolls for her birthday because she is such a nurturer and loves to take care of people. I can't wait to see if she loves them! I'm going to do everything I can to make her birthday special for her even though we can't throw her a party. Hopefully some day we will be able to get together in person with other people again and then we will have to have a big birthday bash to make up for me and Levi and Emery's all lost birthdays.
Just a little girl taking her doll out for a walk.
A couple weekends ago I took Levi with me out to the ranch to return Papi's clamps to him and we got to meet all the new baby horses that have been born this spring!
They were all soo cute and friendly and came right up to the fences and let us pet them! I just love horses and I felt super lucky we happened to be out at the ranch at a time to catch so many of them being kept up by the barn with their mamas!
While I was on the phone trying to schedule our piano tuning, which took 25 minutes (!) because the guy was such a chatter, the kids decided to dump their playroom into the kitchen. It was crazy!
Typical evening occurrence these days, chilling outside together as a family after dinner. Which we will not be doing again until we treat our lawn for fire ants and chiggers!!!
Piano finally 100% done and tuned! I am in love with it!! The piano tuner was quite the character and I'm sorry to say it but a bit of a misogynist. BUT he did tune the piano and so there's that.
Emery's independence continues to develop. She wants to do everything herself! Put on her shoes, comb her hair, brush her teeth and get herself snacks out of the fridge she can't open!
Levi's very first drawing of people that actually look like people! I am so proud of him and look how proud he is of himself! Heart melt.
These two are my light and my joy today and every day. I love them more than words can say!
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