Well with everything going on, I never did post about Christmas. It was a good Christmas, so nice to do Christmas Eve with the whole Martino clan again except for poor Matthew and Valerie's family because Matthew came down with COVID on Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas from my cutest Isla Sage!
Took the kids to see the holiday lights a few days before Christmas. It was one of those things that sounds so fun and magical but in reality kind of turns out to be something my kids find rather long and boring. Emery just kept wanting to get out of the car even though it was freezing. We finally did get out at the last (and thankfully best and most awesome) house.
At the annual Martino bowling party these cute girls just had fun playing ring-around-the-rosy over and over again.
Maren isn't pictured here because poor girl had a bit of a traumatic accident and slipped while carrying a bowling ball which then fell and crushed her thumb. There was screaming, crying, and blood everywhere- especially all over poor Shannon's shirt. Thank goodness Joseph was there and he was able to take control of the situation and then go with Blake and Shannon and Maren to the ER where it turned out Maren had broken the bone in her thumb, lost her nail and needed stitches. It was quite the incident but thankfully none of the little girls seemed too traumatized by it.
Nativity play Christmas Eve. I missed the beginning of it because I was nursing Isla but the part I did see was so cute lite always.
The kids were all super hyped up on Christmas and the fun of cousins and treats and stockings but in the midst of all the crazy, I did manage to get one picture of these girls together.
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