Since this blog is like a journal for me, I want to make sure I capture the things I hope I remember. For me right now, the most important and brightest part of my life is my BEAUTIFUL children. Here's a little bit about them right now:
- Qualified for the Gifted and Talented program at his school recently. He scored in the 99th percentile in non-verbal reasoning and 98th percentile in quantitative reasoning. I continue to be blown away by the way he is able to solve math problems in his head because of the way he is able to picture and think about numbers and quantities. The other day I tried to teach him how to add larger numbers using the "carry the one" technique, but he didn't use it. He could just add them using his own mental strategies- which are different than mine but work perfectly.
- Enjoys building with Legos, playing and talking about Pokemon and playing games as a family like Tokaido, Takenoko, Splendor, and 60 Second City.
- His favorite parts about school are PE and STEAM class.
- Always, always, always has a messy room. It's like chaos just follows him all on its own. Things jump off of shelves and out of bins and he just can't seem to help it.
- Is best friends with Kyler Thompson and loves spending time with him both at and outside of school.
- Has the funny but somewhat inappropriate habit of calling everyone (including me and Eric) "girl" or "dude".
- Is never still, often stands to eat or write and is always putting things in his mouth.
- Is still doing speech therapy (walk-in at the school) and is getting much better with her articulation but still usually calls yogurt "yogrit" and yellow "wellow" and gets really mixed up about when to use "is" and when to use "are" (ex: where are he?!)
- Is very chatty but also has a bad habit of still just whining and making "baby sounds" when she wants something.
- Likes to wear her brother's clothes (especially his pajamas to bed!) and play with him whenever he's home.
- Hates having her hair put up and always wants it down. Also refuses to let me get it cut because she wants it long.
- Loves treats and is always asking "can I have a treat?" or "Can I have zert? (dessert)"
- Has a huge imagination, likes to dress up like a princess (complete with dress, necklace and shoes) and loves to play pretend. Has imaginary friends usually named Silva or Maren.
- Likes to do things herself and likes to tell other people what to do as well.
- LOVES her gymnastics class which she does every Saturday morning.
- Is constantly drooling and soaks through several bibs and shirts a day.
- Has the best smiles- especially when I go to get her out of her crib after a nap or when she wakes up in the morning.
- Has claws for nails despite my best efforts to file them and keep them short.
- Can roll to her side now and is getting good at grabbing her hanging toys and trying to put them in her mouth although she can get frustrated when she can't get them as far into her mouth as she wants.
- Is very alert and always wants to watch the action and thus prefers to be held sitting up and facing out.
- Is really good about going down for her naps (mostly) on her own after being swaddled and given her binkie but tends to only sleep for 40-45 minutes at a time. Sleeps really well at night (knock on wood) and usually goes to bed around 8, wakes up between 2-4 am to eat and then sleeps again until 6:30 or 7 when I will feed her and she usually goes back to sleep until 7:30-9am.
- Startles and cries to loud noises and especially dislikes my sneezes, the blender, and Emery's Frozen karaoke microphone.
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