Sunday, May 22, 2022

Renaissance Fail

 Life in the Martino household continues on its busy way. I have been hard at work managing my too big caseload and fretting about potential upcoming changes to my service area. On the home front, Eric and I have been battling the chiggers again and losing. I ended up with 41 bites this week after 5 minutes of weeding outside :(. We've found a nanny for the summer (actually 2 since one of them can't do the whole time) thank goodness! Eric and I took a date night and planned out our chores so hopefully we can bear the load more evenly and stay on top of our housework so I don't feel like we're being overwhelmed by chaos. It's working well so far! Eric is still thinking about changing jobs but hasn't really started searching in earnest yet because he's still trying to nail down what exactly he's looking for. And we've been spending our limited free time spending time with family, game nights and date nights with friends and enjoying Ryan George and Dr. Glaucomflecken on youtube and the show Julia on HBO. 

Yesterday we went as a family down to the Scarsborough Renaissance Fair in Waxahachie. It was one of those things that I was like, "this sounds like a great family activity where we can make some good memories." Well, it was definitely memorable. The fair itself was... fine. There were some cool shows, lots of people dressed up, food was decent. But it was sooo hot and humid and there was a LOT of walking. Thank goodness we had the stroller, though Emery rode on it more than Isla who decided rather quickly that she preferred to be carried. Nursing Isla at the fair was an adventure because she just was sooo distracted. But it was so hot and I needed to make sure she stayed hydrated so we just kept trying. I probably flashed so many people accidentally in the process! Anyway, we stayed most of the day and then when we left to head home we were like 5 minutes into the drive when Emery suddenly puked in the car! And it wasn't just a little bit! It just kept going! Poor girl had it all over herself, her carseat, the floor in front of her and anything else in the splash path. Oh it was sooo bad! Eric of course immediately pulled over and we got her out but we were like in the middle of fields nowhere. So we just stripped her down and cleaned up as best we could with the limited wipes we had and then just had to endure the hour and a half ride home with the vomit smell. I still haven't deep cleaned the carseat or the floor mat and honestly, I'm scared to. Emery has had a fever last night and today but hasn't thrown up again so I'm hoping it was a one-time thing just because she got too hot and maybe motion-sick. I'm really hoping none of the rest of us get it because I would super hate for Levi to miss his last few days of kindergarten! 

Anyway, that's how life has been! Here's some photos that sum it up:

Emery loves to hold Isla and take pictures with her! 

Martino family Easter Egg Hunt! 

In the evenings after dinner, Isla and I like to sit out on the porch and watch the big kids and Daddy playing on the trampoline. 

Realized we had never taken a picture of our finished patio and pergola so here it is! I love my rain chains and my lights and my wind chime. Now if we could just get rid of the darn chiggers our back yard would be my paradise! 

Eric and I went to a Miranda Lambert concert! It was also VERY hot and humid but so much fun anyway! 

Emery brought home this bean plant when it was just little and in a plastic cup from school. Well, it has just flourished! A couple days ago I let her pick out a pot for it and transplanted it and it is just so happy! 

Love my girls!!

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