Last month we had our long-looked-forward-to, much anticipated Davey family reunion in Oceanside, CA! While not without its share of hiccups and minor inconveniences, it was still a wonderful break from our day-to-lives and the TX heat and a great chance to spend some quality time with my family.
Our flight to CA was uneventful. Isla did surprisingly well for her first flight and even took a decent nap for us with Daddy holding her. Unfortunately, the drive from LAX to Oceanside we were not so lucky. There had been a bad crash earlier in the day and traffic down was horrible. My kids were tired and hungry and Isla scream cried for much of the long, drawn-out drive. Eventually we made it to Little Ceasars in Oceanside and were able to take her out of her car seat and calm her down. I told Eric I didn't think I could take it listening to her scream any more that evening and I knew she would if we put her back in the carseat. So my wonderful, amazing husband strapped Isla into the carrier and walked the last mile to our VRBO. Huge husband points there!
View from the roof of our VRBO. There was a hot tub up there and we got to enjoy it one night with Mom, Katie and Kendall.
While there we got to play several games together, which the kids especially loved.
Isla enjoyed sleeping back in our room during the trip, slept well, and was a generally happy baby the whole time!
We took family pictures down by the beach and they turned out great! So glad Katie and I got to snap this extra one of the two of us.
Levi enjoyed exploring these rocks by the pier.
The day we took pictures we also celebrated my dear husband's birthday and Katie and Kendall made us some DELICIOUS tri tip and marionberry icecream. In fact, I really enjoyed all the home-made meals we experienced on the trip and I loved being able to eat together as a family.
On Tuesday we did Disney. It's not something I am keen on repeating any time in the near future. Let's just say, I don't recommend Disneyland for mamas with nursing babies. Isla and I got to know the baby center really well and I'm grateful they have it but the way it worked out we were there all day and I went on 4 rides and waited and hour and a half for a Dole Whip. Not exactly my cup of tea. But hey, hopefully a good memory for the kids??
Emery and I stood in line for 45 minutes so she could take a picture with three different Disney princesses of which she recognized one.
Her pose though- this girl of mine!
So anyway, so I wasn't a huge fan of Disneyland but then on Thursday, we went to the San Diego Zoo and that was pretty cool! The animals were so much more lively than the ones in Dallas- probably because it wasn't so stinkin hot like it is here! The polar bear show was especially good.
My two favorite Erics and their babies!!
Little miss is not a big fan of her stroller but happy to be worn!
The other days in CA we mostly just hung out and went to the beach. My kids, especially Emery, LOVED the beach and going in the water.
Hanging out on the roof deck with Grandpa!
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